Award Winning HIPAA Release Law Firm In Miami

HIPAA Release

Importance Of A HIPAA Release In Florida

A HIPAA release is a document part of the Healthcare advance directives. It pertains to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act which was enacted by Congress in 1996 as a means of protecting an individual’s’ medical information. Signing a HIPAA release form grants an agent the right to access your sensitive medical information. Read more about Healthcare Advance Directives.

If You Need To Authorize A Lawyer For Your HIPAA, Make Sure You Hire The Right One

It can be drafted on its own or it can be merged with your Healthcare Surrogate Designation and Living Will. HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It was established in 1996 and what it does is it creates a streamlined process to exchange information and has made health information more readily accessible to patients.

In your documents you need this HIPAA release so that your agents can get around the Privacy Rule to effectively act on your behalf. The Privacy Rule generally prohibits the use and disclosure of health information without written permission. The HIPAA release gives your agent the ability to access medical and billing records, request amendments and accountings, and receive otherwise protected health information.

If you have any questions about HIPAA Release law, please call The Estate Plan at (305) 677-8489.
We’d be happy to help.

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